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UNESCO-Al Fozan International Prize for the Promotion of Young Scientists in STEM

On the initiative of the Al Fozan Foundation, the Prize was created by the UNESCO Executive Board at its 212th session and approved by acclamation. It is the 1st STEM Prize at UNESCO.

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International Jury

Kétévi Assamagan
Physicist at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) known for his significant contributions to the ATLAS Experiment.
Hani Choudhry
Biotechnologist and Vice Governor at the Research, Development, and Innovation Authority (RDIA), Saudi Arabia.
Xuanmei Fan
Director of State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection (SKLGP) at Chengdu University of Technology, China.
Heiner Linke
Professor of nanophysics at the Physics Department at Lund University, Sweden.
Katya Echazarreta
A distinguished Mexican electrical engineer, science communicator, and Citizen Astronaut.

The Jury is composed of five independent eminent members being personalities with a recognized reputation in the field of STEM. Selection of Jury is based on the need for diverse representation of scientific fields, equitable geographical distribution and gender equality.

About the Founder of the prize Mr. Abdullah Al Fozan

Abdullah bin Abdullatif Al Fozan is the chairman of Abdullah bin Abdullatif Al Fozan Foundation for Education and Al Fozan Holding, one of the fastest-growing family businesses in the region. The Foundation regularly initiates and participates in impactful and sustainable charitable endeavors that aim to serve society, the economy, and the environment.

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