
About the Prize

UNESCO and the Al Fozan Foundation has created the UNESCO Al Fozan International Prize for the promotion of young scientists in STEM to strengthen  STEM  research,  STEM  education  and  international cooperation.

The Prize gives  recognition to achievements of young people  that are conducive to socio-economic transformation and development on a global scale while also increasing the interest of young people, particularly girls and women, in science so as to promote gender equality, scientific literacy and the choice of a scientific career.


The Prize is awarded every two years to five individual prize-winners from the five UNESCO geographical regions at each edition, on an initial basis for 6 years


Prizes may be awarded to five individuals only from each of UNESCO’s five regions who have promoted STEM advancement in education, research, or international cooperation for societal development

Candidates must be less than 40 years old at the time of applying for the Prize must be actively involved in STEM at the time of application to the Prize.
