
Professor Abdon Atangana


Prof. Atangana’s groundbreaking work has significantly advanced the field of mathematics, particularly in the areas of fractional calculus, fractional differential equations, and mathematical modeling. These mathematical tools enable us to model complex phenomena and tackle real-life challenges, such as understanding the spread of infectious diseases, analyzing heat transfer problems, studying groundwater flow and contamination, and unraveling weather patterns.


A key aspect of Prof. Atangana’s research is the development of differential operators that faithfully replicate intricate processes that are otherwise challenging to predict. By introducing innovative methodologies, he has provided new insights into assessing the impact of infectious diseases on groundwater, shedding light on an important aspect of public health and environmental management.


The interdisciplinary nature of Prof. Atangana’s research extends beyond academia and finds practical applications in various industries. For example, his work has influenced the development of cruise control functions in cars, where fractional calculus plays a pivotal role. By deepening our understanding of complex dynamics such as heat transfer and fluid flow, Prof. Atangana’s research contributes to the creation of strategies that minimize energy consumption and optimize renewable energy systems.


Currently serving as a Professor at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa, Prof. Abdon Atangana continues to inspire and push the boundaries of mathematics, forging a path towards innovative solutions for real-world problems.

Prof. Abdon Atangana receiving the Prize